SEGUIN ISLAND – Boulogne-Billancourt (92)

Urban and architectural coordination

The Seine Valley forms an exceptional ensemble from economic, cultural, and landscape perspectives. Highlighted in studies on « Grand Paris », and more recently as part of the « Reinventing the Seine » project, the development of its banks is considered a major metropolitan challenge, both for urban development and the preservation of its natural environment. Île Seguin is part of the Seine landscape, flanked by the wooded slopes of Meudon and the Boulogne plain. The massive base of the island, a testament to its anthropogenic construction, gives strength to this former industrial site but also contributes to a form of negation of its territorial anchorage. The Île Seguin project aims to reconcile this anthropogenic formation with its geographical context by extending the landscape of the slopes onto the island through a vegetative strategy and specific ground treatment. The goal is to integrate this artificial site into a naturalistic landscape: continuous and enveloping. The connection to the river is emphasized by the horizontality of the surfaces, which contrasts with the naturally prominent surrounding relief. The surfaces are predominantly pedestrian, requiring a continuous ground treatment, particularly in terms of leveling. Like the larger project area, the islands of the Seine have always been territories for architectural and landscape experimentation, whether as inhabited islands, natural parks, or recreational spaces. By accommodating well-considered architectural projects and offering public spaces open to the Seine, the development of Île Seguin will meet both metropolitan ambitions and the needs of its residents.


SPL Val de Seine


Le Studio Sanna Baldé, Michel Desvignes Landscape Architect, INGEROP


Boulogne-Billancourt (92)


Urban and architectural coordination



Public space: riverbanks, esplanades, central area, tertiary program, 1.5 ha park


11.5 ha


2020- Coordination in progress


Ph. Guignard – Val de Seine Aménagement


Marie-Hélène Habib

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