In 2019, after pursuing separate careers in Paris and abroad, Anna Sanna and Delphine Baldé founded LE STUDIO SANNA BALDÉ. Anna is an architect-designer with extensive experience in commercial, residential, and equipment architecture. They decided to bring their worlds closer to reconcile architecture and the city. From architecture to larger territories, their practice reflects committed convictions addressing current issues: working with what already exists, transforming the existing structures for a more inclusive and desirable city, designing reversible buildings with sustainable materials, and meeting new uses, particularly for better housing quality. By exploring the interactions between space, the body, and the city, they embrace an artistic and social dimension in their experiments, in a complementary approach that brings together the city, the landscape, and architecture. Each project is an opportunity for this duo of architects to blend the pleasure of construction and shaping materials with that of proposing new paths and revealing the genius of the place.

Their shared passion for dance and music naturally leads them to explore the relationship between space, rhythm, the body, and the city. This quest for a constant and evolving dialogue is at the heart of their approach. Dance serves as a guiding thread in their projects, leading them towards a project that tells a story through a systemic and sustainable approach. The richness of their dual European and African heritage drives them to a recurring questioning in their practice to better understand contexts, uses, and the evolution of lifestyles. Choosing dance as a tool to question the relationship to the body, to life, to others, and to the uses of the place means deploying the city of connection: designing living spaces that are egalitarian, comfortable, joyful, and caring for everyone.


Graduated from La Sapienza - School of Architecture in Rome in 2003, Anna Sanna also studied for a year at the École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Versailles. She began her career with "The Aga Khan Development Network" (AKDN) in Cairo, Egypt, before joining Jacques Ferrier Architecture in 2005. Over more than 13 years, her collaboration with Jacques Ferrier allowed her to gain solid experience in iconic commercial projects, such as the headquarters of Piper & Charles Heidsieck champagnes and Hachette Livre publishing. Her interest in international work led her to Shanghai in 2010, where she developed the scenography for the French Pavilion at the World Expo. Her commitment to sustainable and responsible architecture materialized in flagship wooden construction projects, such as the Aqualagon water park (Village Nature), the Grand Central commercial project (Paris 8th) integrated into the Saint-Lazare train station, and the renovation of the Le Guimet building in Lyon. Since 2019, alongside Delphine Baldé, Anna Sanna has been developing urban projects, territorial strategies, and architectures for housing, facilities, and commercial buildings. She advocates for rational and frugal architecture, favoring the use of geo-sourced and bio-sourced materials. This approach was reinforced by specialized training at ENSA Paris-Est. Thanks to her expertise in architectural design, Anna Sanna has also been involved in interior design and planning projects, anticipating new ways of living and new uses. She promotes the hybridization of materials for a more virtuous constructive logic, embedding her projects in their context while fostering a sustainable and responsible approach.


Graduated in 2003 from the École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Versailles, Delphine Baldé furthered her education in 2015 at the EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) focusing on African cities. She began her career in Amsterdam at the Tania Concko agency, within a Dutch architectural environment that advocated for experimentation to develop new uses. Subsequently, she worked with François Leclercq, where she developed the urban planning division of his agency over 13 years. Since 2019, alongside Anna Sanna, Delphine Baldé has been developing urban projects, territorial strategies, and architectures for housing, facilities, and commercial buildings. Her approach integrates geographical, socio-economic contexts, mobility issues, sustainable development, uses, inclusivity, and architecture. She has been a member of the Cergy Urban Planning Workshops for 15 years (currently vice-president) and leads workshops, notably in West Africa. Her passion for urban complexity led her to create Le Mouvement des Chemineurs in 2002. Exploring the city on foot or by bike is part of her approach to understanding territories and avoiding rigid doctrines. Her work combines a sensitive approach with economic and social strategies and a geographical perspective for a dialogue-based urbanism. Delphine Baldé has strong expertise in urban strategy, particularly regarding Grand Paris and urban development, favoring the proximity between the city and the landscape, as seen in Cergy Grand Centre or Paris Nord Est. She has taught urban planning at the Institut d’Urbanisme de Reims and has been a lecturer in the Territorial Strategy Master's program at Sciences Po École Urbaine. From 2020 to 2023, she served as an architectural advisor for the city of Marseille. She currently teaches at ESSEC in the MUI Master's program.






Marie-Hélène HABIB

Arthur KAÏDI





Delphine BALDÉ


Marine BAZZI, Pauline BEAUCHEF, Elena CADOUIN, Liselotte CLABAUX, Quentin DELEPINE, Francisco DENEVI, Elliot DIMARTINO, Corentin DUPIRE, Aurélien FORNERIS, Clara GARCIA DUFFY, Jessy GLOKPOR, Thomas GOBLET, Quentin GODIVEAU, Peetu KARTTUNEN, Mona KEREZEON, Wylsen KOMBILA, Giorgia MECE, Ornella NUNES, Bilkis PERRET, Louis ROSNER, Nathan ROSSI, Dahamba TOURE

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